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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Personalities of Beatles Fans by Each Beatle

Paul fans: The most friendliest and loving of all fans. I have never known a Paul fan who lashed out in anger about something. They always mended it to make it better. Though some can be troubled.. (Friend of mine said Paul fans are melancholy and "fucked up" or in other words, "depressed romantics").

John fans: Can be either really calm or spiteful. I know this because I've known them. They try to be as witty as John making quick funny remarks, talk about how peace should affect the world, or they become cynical and hate the world, and everybody else. They can also be seclusive).

George fans: This is a toughie. George fans are a weird bunch. To me, they are. They tend to have strong crushes/fandom with other personalities, or movies/music/books/tv as well. Ones who are strongly obsessed even come to realize that they want to be part of the Hare Krishna movement as well. They always point out how George was overlooked, and they try to prove how great George was and is to them.

Ringo fans: There are not much of them but these fans are very laid-back people. Some can be wacky, wild, but fun.


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